James Cummings

James Cummings is CEO of Daily Posts and works with big brands like Domains4Less in the tech industry to deliver content and marketing campaigns. He has over a decade of project management experience on large scale IT and development projects, including working on over 250 WordPress websites.

Does Hosting Server Location Affect SEO

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Hosting Server Location

Does hosting server location affect SEO? Well, the success of your website SEO depends on multiple factors. And hosting server location is indeed one of the essential aspects to consider. Also, it does play a significant role in the success or failure of your website SEO. In this guide, I will try putting some light on how hosting server location can impact your website SEO. And why it is important to pick the best hosting provider. So, let’s dive in!

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Web Design As An Effective Digital Marketing Strategy

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Digital Marketing Strategy

There are a number of reasons why brands spend a lot of time, money and effort on great website design. Many of them just want to have an attractive appearance, but only a few take into account the impact it will have on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Digital Marketing is mainly concerned with promoting your brand and what you offer. Therefore, you need to design pages within your website with this in mind.

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Choosing a Domain Name: Are Keywords Still Important?

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Choosing a Domain

Many factors are considered when choosing a domain name, though business owners focus more on those that help their Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). Google has always upgraded its algorithms and has made everyone wonder what the right approach to naming a domain is. This is a debate website owners usually have before creating a site. All in all, you need to make sure your domain name has no negative connotations, is void of unnecessary jargon and doesn’t look spammy.

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Can Hosting Chatbot in Your Website Increase Your On-Site Time?

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Facebook has made chatbots popular. These online assistants are now an important part of the web. Chatbots can help a site visitor enjoy a better experience using the site. They help increase on-site time and reduce bounce rates. Marketers know that low bounce rates are vital. So, they use every tool possible to improve this data. There are lots of tools and strategies that can help you. Chatbots can be a very useful tool for the digital marketer today. This piece takes a look at chatbots. It shows you how they can help you achieve your aim of better on-site performance.

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5 Features of a Fantastic CMS and Ways to Secure It

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5 Features of a Content Management System and Ways to Secure It Blog

Your Content Management System (CMS) is important to your website’s functions. If for a minute your site is down, you could be losing visitors or potential sales by the second. Do you know that 40% of people will abandon a website that takes longer than 3 seconds to load? Or that if an e-commerce website makes £100,000 daily, a 1-second page delay could cost you £2 ½ million in lost sales annually? It is therefore important to have a top performing website at all times, which means a CMS that is fully functional and adequately secured is needed.

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