The database is a set of structured and organized data. A Database is software in which the data is stored, and also retrieved by the administrator. Moreover, query languages help in accessing the data from the database such as SQL.

WordPress is written with PHP (programming language) and MySQL as its data management system. MySQL is considered software installed on the WordPress hosting servers. The WordPress data is where all the sites data is stored.

Then you can access the database in WordPress using PhpMyAdmin. PhpMyAdmin is an application to manage data management systems. Also, you can create and update the data with PhpMyAdmin in the data. It is an easy application, you need not learn any of the programming languages.

The WordPress data contains Tables in which the data is stored. You can retrieve the data from the data using a query. All the data is stored in the form of rows and columns.

For Example- There is a Database of school students in a particular class. Therefore, it may contain the following columns – 







And more. Moreover, you can also select the name of the Table. This table will store the information of all the students in one place in an organized way and that is called the Database.