RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich site summary. It is a feed of simple content for your viewers when you update anything on the website including any text content, blog, update on the product etc. WordPress site automatically generates the RSS Feed. The feed works with “FeedBurner” which is a software that turns Feed into readable content. It is commonly known as the feed.

Therefore, Whenever any site owner updates any content, It helps viewers to access readable content. You can find the URL of the Feed of a WordPress website by adding /feed after the website URL.

For example – the RSS feed for would be

RSS feed can help you grow your blog audience. People following your Feed most likely to share your content on social media platforms. The feed shows a link to the title, description, and link that directs to the original content. This helps in segregating what is of interest to the user. When the user finds what is of interest to him they can click on it to read the entire content. The best part about RSS feed is that it is highly customizable. Moreover, the RSS feed helps in gathering the information, updates, and notifications to keep everything organized and updated under a single dashboard.

You can also use the feed URL to share anywhere online to increase your viewers. You can also use RSS based plugins such as FeedPress to send notifications to your visitors when they subscribe to your Feed.