Hooks are the functions used to manage Action or Filters in WordPress. Actions and Filters are functions used to change the default functionality of WordPress. Functions are used to modify action filters in WordPress that can be hooked into WordPress. However, one needs to understand that Actions and Filters are just not the same. While Actions are used and executed when certain events are carried out in WordPress. On the other hand, the filters allow you to change specific functions. Although the arguments used to hook the Actions and Filters, look the same they are certainly different in functionality and how they act. 

The main function of a hook is to run a function. Besides, hooks can also be used to change, expand, and restrict the functionality of a theme or plugin. and Hooks can also be defined as an event when you want to customize something, you can use a hook, a function. Actions are the functions when some event occurs in WordPress and Filters are used to modify those functions. 

What Else ABout Hooks?

WordPress provides many hooks that you can use, you can also create your hooks to perform certain events. You need to write a function called Callback to trigger the actions and filters. However, to use Hooks on WordPress you do need a bit of knowledge about HTML and PHP. But, if you are a beginner creating hooks for action and filter may not be that difficult. Simply, open the post page and then click on the text editor. Here you can post the hooks that you have created or copied from other sites. 

The Action function is written to perform some event. You never get a callback from the Action function, it just performs the task. 

The Filter function performs the task and modifies it and returns the call to the hook for further modifications.