6 Digital Marketing Tools for Time Starved Managers

When it comes to run a well-rounded Digital Marketing Strategy, we have to face countless different tasks. Shortly said, if we do not plan our activity beforehand, we may end up in a time-sink. All of us in this field, strive to preserve as much time as possible in a view to aim upon what counts the most: Content Creation. Squandering time in the counter-productive tasks keep us away from the main objective and it may lead to shabby content. In this scenario, we can count on some significant digital marketing tools that are capable of balancing task automation.
In this blog post, here at Templatetoaster offline website builder, I will be introducing some helpful tools that have been tailored to reduce time_sink and keep our marketing Strategy smoothly inclined. Check out WordPress email marketing plugins and the best email marketing software.
On a daily basis, a lot of visitors come across your web domain. Either by browsing your website, reading through your blog posts or scrolling down your product and services. The downside is that the overwhelming majority of them are just “passing guests”, completely untracked. As a result, you won’t have any kind of accurate record of them. Leadfeeder is an invaluable marketing tool for any B2B factor for two paramount motives:
- It will provide you with valuable data about the visitor’s website. So that you may have potentially lead to the address.
- It uncovers the companies that visited your website, their specific details and the mutual LinkedIn contacts. You will have the certainty that only real companies are on the list. Therefore, fake businesses, spammers and Internet service providers are cautiously pre-filtered
The bargaining chip of this tool compared to other digital marketing tools is that it is both remarkable and tangible. Once your contacts are unveiled, you can put in action a fully-fledged segmentation of your audience, according to their interests and needs.
User-generated content is like having lead in the pencil when it comes to Content Creation. Hence, it could be tremendously handy in getting reviews and feedback to drive your sales. Yotpo is specifically designed among many digital marketing tools to fill this gap, by stimulating your customers to review in return for bonus or discounts. The software gathers all your reviews in a quickly accessible and centralised database. This way, you will be ready to spread the reviews out on your website or Social Media channels.
When it comes to Online Commerce, you should avoid narrowing down, on how to effectively attract your customers. Conversely, customer satisfaction and retention should be the top priority in your business plan. Now, how to achieve such an ambitious goal? We need to manage crisis scenarios, to integrate Social Media as a powerful backup for customer relationships and timely customer support. Shopify is the world’s leading e-commerce platform where anybody can find everything needed to kick-start an online business. It recently launched Shopify’s Facebook integration that brings invaluable benefits as the following:
- Possibility for each customer to sift through the products and even buy directly using Messenger.
- Improved communication, the customers may ask questions as well as automatically track their order and shipment status.
- A personal connection with the customers is a must. Amongst a plethora of digital marketing tools, this is quite safe and sound to communicate swiftly with customers.
Cold Turkey
Cold Turkey is an amazingly helpful and cool instrument, but it has to be managed very precisely. Do you want to keep your focus on what you’re doing without being led away by some other distractions? Well, in this case, this app is tailored for your needs! Cold Turkey is a distraction-blocker tool that allows you to cluster together all the websites that you don’t want to pop in your face. You can block them for a certain timeline. This app works awesomely when you have to specifically focus on a single task for a pretty long time.
For example, managing some Facebook profiles, writing down a report or creating your new blog’s post. You can switch it off for a couple of hours and you no longer have to be bothered by notifications. But, if you have to jump across multiple Social Networks, this is not the right tool out of your digital marketing tools box. You can count pretty much on the free version as it offers some amazing set of features. But if you want to get more granularity (like blocking apps) you need to upgrade to the Pro version.
Evernote is a stable pillar to rely upon, for most of the Social Media Managers around (and not just them). Of many digital marketing tools, this is a useful bookmarking tool, where it’s quite easy to store ideas and content we found while browsing online and to stay quickly in touch with other working partners. You can choose from a wide array of options (audio, images, text) and, consequently, store anything that may catch your eyes.
Evernote has a mobile app too, so it does not matter which device you are going to use to save something, it will always be safely placed in Evernote. The whole platform has been structured to streamline remote working processes. Therefore, making you able to effortlessly share whatever you like with your coworkers, in the group notebook.
Every time we plan and create a blog post or any other kind of compelling content, we eagerly long for promoting it through several channels. But there’s a catch? Setting up updates for each Social Network we have to manage an enormous amount of time-waste.
Here comes Dlvr.It, this is an overarching social media automation tool that allows auto-post on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other Social Media using RSS feeds. Anytime, when your post is ready to be launched, Dlvr will be sending out the updates across all the Social Networks. Moreover, you can benefit from other additional perks;
Optimized Scheduling
Dlvr.it will be in charge to deliver your updates at the very best time, based on research, best practices and your follower’s behaviour.
Engagement Metrics
Dlvr.it will deliver comprehensive and in-depth Social Media’s engagement reports. Then you can get a quick overview of the performance of any post you share in order to better adjust and improve your content.
Tailored Hashtags
Dlvr.it is capable of including contextualised and search-friendly hashtags to each of your post with a view to maximising the exposure.
This digital marketing tool is simply amazing as it lets you send a response to an email and also keep track of how it is performing on the website. It does save you a lot of time, specifically if the website has many visitors. Besides, you can also add CRM so that the marketing outreach is better.
Google Analytics Integration
You can rapidly set the analytic tracking tools on every link you share so that you will be keeping a keen eye on the Social Media traffic right from the Google Analytics dashboard.
It is an amazing digital marketing tool that lets you load few prospects. And also create campaigns that can help you reach out to the maximum number of people through phone or emails. The tools take up writing and also allow you to track the results. Besides, the automation features do save you a lot of time.
Conclusion – Top Digital Marketing Tools
Saving time is the cornerstone while coping with any well-rounded Digital Marketing Strategy. On top of this, a trustworthy CMS is the backbone of this strategy and picking TemplateToaster will give you the prospect to choose among a broad spectrum of remarkable templates, all of them finely responsive and adjustable to every browser. Exactly, what you need to put your best foot forward!
I hope you are going to benefit from these digital marketing tools, and hopefully, your daily efforts will pay you handsomely off 🙂
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Hi Francesco,
Thank you for sharing!
Definitely helpful. I’d add Shakr to the list, it’s an awesome tool to make quick stunning videos! I’ve been using it a lot for my FB Ads.
Thought it could be useful to share it as video creation process is really tough!
You forgot to add socialinsider.io to that list 🙁 It’s perfect for digital marketers.
Leadfeeder + Bitrix24 = mind blown. Best free lead generation combo ever.
YotPo is the best digital marketing tool.