12 Simple and Practical Strategies to Boost your WordPress SEO

WordPress is SEO-friendly and no wonder over 25% websites run on this platform (most popular sites include Wired, Time, Lifehack among others).
If you are a WordPress website owner, we know it is important to you that your site ranks among the best in the search engines. Not just Google, but even in other search engines.
Reasons for this are obvious.
You want visibility to keep people informed about your organization, sell products and services or promote your business. Your site ranking at the top of the search engines means you can pull traffic your way and in turn build a loyal tribe (customers) that follows you.
To reach there, you must have a strategy. There are a lot of ways you can pull traffic towards your WordPress site, but SEO is one of the well known and most effective of all. Here at Templatetoaster website builder software and WordPress website generator this article can be helpful without necessarily having an in-depth knowledge of SEO.
So, do not fret even if you are a beginner. Take a peek below at how you can do WordPress SEO:
Select WordPress-Specific Hosting Provider
This is a mistake you cannot afford to make. It is vital that you choose a hosting provider that can directly affect the downtime experience of your site and the distance between the servers and your target audience. The best way is to choose a customized WordPress hosting plan to boost your SEO.
Pick the Right Optimized Themes for Search Engines
Your site’s layout and general appearance are determined by the theme you pick. You will, therefore, need to pick an SEO friendly theme to speed up your site. Tags come in many forms but what you want are themes with features that improve your SEO rankings.
SEO Plugin Choice
Tools used to improve your WordPress site’s ranking are also useful. You can install these add-on plugins on your site to improve your SEO rankings. They offer sitemaps which are small targeted features aimed at attracting relevant traffic to your site.
Change the Structure of Your ‘Permalink’
These are links that people and bots use to get to your site. They should indeed be clear, descriptive, and accurate about what your site’s purpose is in the first place. Instead of using numbers or other plain text, you can make use of the ‘Post Name.’ This will make sense to the search engines and those interested in what you have to offer. WordPress SEO provides a lot of automatic suggestions you can pick.
Your Sitemap Creation
Your sitemap creation helps the search engine bots to trace your information much easier. Basically what sitemaps do is show the organized content and pages of your site in a simple way to quickly show search engine crawlers what your site is all about. Directly, the sitemaps do not affect SEO rankings but help in indexing your site. There are plugins for this purpose as well.
Heading Tags Should be Used throughout Your Content
When you write your content, you should structure it. Include headings and subheadings in your content. It helps the search engine bots to understand what the content is all about. This is one step ahead of what the sitemaps do. WordPress editing tools include headings with different sizes.
This is not only important to crawlers but also to the readers of your content. It also has a fine visual benefit. Your content can be understood by a visitor without reading every word as it helps to break the content.
Use Keywords in Your Content
To achieve this, you should know your audience and predict the kind of word or phrase they might use when searching similar content as yours. For instance, if you want to write about piano lessons, you can choose a keyword, ‘piano for beginners.’ You can hope that many piano starters will type this phrase.
Hence, picking a keyword for every post or webpage and applying it in different areas — like the title, headings, and within the content itself — is a simple way to describe your topic to search engine bots and enhance the likelihood of exposing your content in related searches.
Be careful not to “stuff” these phrases in your content until it appears unreadable or unnatural.
Include Quality Internal and External Content Links
Associating your content with both internal and external content will help the search engines determine what your content is related to. Just like with keywords, you should not stuff links in your content. If your content is about pianos, do not link it to cooking products or content. This will look spammy. The right choice and use of links can boost your SEO rankings.
Design Your Site to Respond to Different Devices
You should create your site to respond to both computers and smartphones. Google considers these factors to rank sites which should tell you that it is an important aspect. WordPress and have made this easy to do by clicking on the right themes.
Your Images Should be Optimized
Your images should make it easy for pages to load. Make sure that you describe images appropriately because the search engine bots crawl on images to understand your content.
Let Your Content be Long
Google algorithms consider long content more informative and useful to readers. If you write long content that is comprehensible, then you will do better in the SEO rankings.
Post Quality Content Frequently
Make sure to challenge yourself with a posting schedule. This will make crawlers revisit your WordPress site which gives you prominence over others.
Ensure your content contains useful information, be clear of grammatical errors and indeed structure it well. Search engines are always looking for relevant information to rank up the best quality content in search results.
In conclusion, SEO comprises a broad range of strategies and procedures so it can be confusing at times. Luckily, you don’t have to be an SEO specialist to achieve better rank in the SERPs. You can engage a powerful and user-intuitive web design software like TemplateToaster to create high-quality and responsive WordPress themes.
Indeed, embracing WordPress as your website platform is the ideal first step to building a well-optimized website. Then you’ll want to choose the best host, choose a fitting theme, and consider choosing the right plugins and best website design tools. By executing these strategies, you will be well on your way to growing your website’s visibility and business.
Also at the end don’t forget to do an SEO Audit for your WordPress site to ensure everything is in order.
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Quality Content matters the most. This is the best list ever witnessed on SEO. Thanks for sharing
SEO is very important for every website to gain more traffic so that they visit our website and enhance our business.
Right and attractive keyword are also playing an important role for SEO of any website.
It is also mandatory to know about right heading before use it for SEO of any website.
Can anyone suggest to the good tool to optimize the image of the website for SEO optimization.
I have used theme from Template Toaster and I feel it more compatible and reliable theme, thanks for posting.
Long content also the strategy of SEO?
Which is the best seo checker?