How to add Preloader Animation in WordPress

how to add preloader animation in wordpress

Looking for ways to make your website look attractive and attention grabbing? As a website owner, you must be aware that the success of your website largely depends on its load time and UI. Your website needs to be faster and optimized for a decent SEO ranking. Therefore, you can’t add unnecessary decorative elements to your WordPress website because it will do more harm than good. However, there are little tricks that can make your site stand out from the rest such as Preloader animation in WordPress or Lazy Loading. In this entry, I am going to explain the step by step instructions to add Preloader animation in WordPress.

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Best WordPress Demo Content Plugins

best wordpress demo content plugins

If you are looking for the best WordPress demo content plugins for adding demo content to your website, then you have come to the right place. Adding demo content to your website helps you test your website on how it will work. And it’s a good practice to first, add demo content, and then after all the tests and trials adding the real content. So, let’s learn about the best WordPress demo content plugins in detail below. 

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8 Best WordPress Website Builders Compared (2023)

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best wordpress website builders

Are you looking for the best WordPress website builder? With so many website builders for WordPress out there, choosing the one perfect solution for your business can be intimidating. There are many factors that can affect your choice. So, to help you filter the best option, I have compiled a list of the top-notch website builders that can help you create your WordPress website. So, let’s dive in!

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8 Best WordPress RSS Feed Plugins 2023

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Best WordPress RSS Feed Plugins

RSS feed, also known as Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary is a file that can easily be read by feed reader of user computer. Implementation of a RSS or Newsfeed is not easy, but with WordPress RSS feed plugins, it is certainly not hard work anymore.

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WordPress Tooltip Plugins – Free and Paid 2023

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WordPress Tooltip Plugins

There are words or technical jargon not everyone is familiar with. You don’t want to leave your visitors confused. But then again, you can’t put definitions everywhere on your site. It would look unattractive and out of the place. That’s why I brought you the perfect solution: Tooltips. It is a perfect way to add definitions to technical jargons or other fancy words, which may have different context. As you know, WordPress offers plugins for almost everything. To add tooltips to your site, you can use WordPress Tooltip plugins. In this article, I bring you 5 best WordPress tooltip plugins you can use for your WordPress site. But before we get into that, let’s understand what exactly are tooltips.

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Best WordPress Header Plugins Compared (2023)

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WordPress Header Plugins are used to add various features to the header section of WordPress websites. And if you also have been searching for one, then you are at the right place. Certainly, a header is the most important and possibly the first thing that a visitor will notice on your site. Therefore, it is suggested that you should have an eye-catching header with smooth navigation. Here at the TemplateToaster WordPress theme builder blog, I will show the best WordPress header plugins to create a custom header in WordPress.

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Gutenberg WordPress: What are the Reasons Behind its Failure ?

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Gutenberg WordPress Why it didn’t work out

What went wrong with Gutenberg WordPress: why it didn’t work out? What are the anticipated reasons for Gutenberg’s failure? Here at the TemplateToaster WordPress Theme Builder blog, in this comprehensive WordPress Gutenberg tutorial, I will shed some light on the facts and the probable reasons behind the failure of WordPress Gutenberg

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How to Change User Role in WordPress – Beginners Guide

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How to Change User Role in WordPress

If you are wondering how to change user role in WordPress, then reading this guide can give you a direction to move in. WordPress has great dominance in this digital realm with 35% web users. Learning about WordPress user roles and how to change them can add to your website’s better security and easy management. So, here at the TemplateToaster WordPress theme builder blog, I will show you how to change user roles in WordPress.

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TinyMCE Advanced Editor – Comparison and Installation

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TinyMCE Advanced Editor- Comparison and Installation

Have you been using WordPress’s basic editor/TinyMCE classic editor or Gutenberg editor? Does it have all the features you need? Is it user-friendly? Or maybe it doesn’t work according to your needs. Thinking about switching to TinyMCE advanced editor? Not sure whether it is worth it or not? Need not worry. You have come to the right place to find answers to all your doubts. By the end of this article, you will be completely familiar with all the positives and negatives that TinyMCE advanced editor has to offer.

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What is Gravatar, Why You Need and How to Use it

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“What is Gravatar?” does this ring any bells for you? Or is it just an alien word to you? Have you ever heard the word avatar? Well, that sounds familiar, right? An avatar is an icon or thumbnail image that represents a person on the internet. So, you practically know what is an avatar. Gravatar is pretty similar to the word avatar. Let’s learn the details now! 

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How to Change the Time and Date Format in WordPress?

how to change the time and date format in wordpress

Do you wish to change the time and date format on your WordPress website? Or you just wanna try some other time and date formats? So that you can choose the suitable one for your website. WordPress does offer its users with quite a few formats to choose from. No matter what the case is, I am gonna guide you step by step on how to change the time and date format in WordPress.

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WordPress User Roles and Capabilities: Tutorial for Beginners

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WordPress User Roles

WordPress User Roles defines the set of permissions a user has. It completely makes sense that why would you allow just anyone to access your WordPress website. And if you are new to WordPress then this tutorial guide for beginners will definitely help you understand what roles in WordPress a user can have and how you can restrict or allow any user to access the selective section of your website

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How to use WordPress Theme Check Plugin: Tutorial for beginners

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WordPress Theme Check Plugin

“WordPress Theme Check Plugin” are you familiar with it and its importance? Especially if you wish to test your theme with the ongoing latest theme review standards. If you are not don’t worry I have a solution to all your troubles. WordPress Theme Check Plugin is an important tool in website development. WordPress developers who want to contribute their own themes to WordPress, need to be sure about the basic WordPress standards.

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How to Enable Lazy Load WordPress: Tutorial for Beginners

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Lazy Load WordPress

If you’re struggling to find the solution for Lazy Load WordPress images, then you certainly need to read this tutorial for beginners once. There are various plugins to help you get over this problem and here at TemplateToaster website builder software blog, I will show you how to lazy load WordPress images and videos. You will find Lazy Load WordPress Plugins to improve page load time.

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How to Check WordPress Version: Tutorial for Beginners

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how to check wordpress version

WordPress needs no introduction in the digital world. But those who are new to this world may need to learn about this platform. Recently one of my clients asked me how to check WordPress version, and that’s when I decided to write this tutorial for beginners to share this information with you all as well.

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