When you start a web design project, you want to have your name on it. You don’t want someone else getting the credit for your work. Sure, you can have all sorts of custom graphics and logos all over the place, but the fact that WordPress’s logo and links are splashed all over the website could be glaring at your visitors. This is why white labeling your WordPress site is very important. You have to brand yourself.

So how do you fix this problem?

You do it by white labeling your WordPress site. This is a practice of having your logo and other identifying graphics and information in place of third party information, particularly WordPress’s information. You want to white label in every way possible so that you can brand the website.

Of course, this branding starts with the front-end of the website because that is what your visitors are going to see every time they visit. However, many designers don’t pay attention to branding the back-end as well. This is acceptable if no one but you will be accessing the admin panel, but there are many designers that allow client access so clients can manage their own content. You definitely don’t want that WordPress logo greeting them at every stop. Here at Templatetoaster WordPress website builder check out uses of white labeling WordPress site.


Advantages of White Labeling Your WordPress Site

When you are giving clients access to the website’s back-end, the back-end of the site could maintain their impression of you and your services. By white labeling the back-end, and the entire site in general, you accomplish two things:

  1. You and the service you are providing look more professional.
  2. Clients aren’t confused about whether or not you designed the website.

Yes, you know what you designed and what you didn’t. Fortunately, white labeling is an acceptable practice that helps you relieve any client confusion. The last thing you want is for them to wonder if you truly developed their website or if you are deceptively passing someone else’s work off as your own. Not everyone has the understanding of how WordPress works, so it is best to eliminate the confusion right out of the gate so questions stemming from doubt don’t come about later.

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Manually White Labeling vs. Using Plugins

You can prevent any doubt by engaging in one of two ways to white label your WordPress site – manually or with plugins. Manual can be scary for someone who doesn’t have experience coding or their experience is minimal. Nonetheless, some people can handle inserting code if it’s just a few snippets.

One snippet you can use is the one that white labels the login page. It looks like this:

white label login

Figure 1

When you look at the above snippet, you will see the words “login.png.” You will replace this with a 300 x 130 image by inserting that image’s filename after you have added that image to your WordPress image library.

Another common thing that designers like to do is change the footer text. You can do that with this snippet:


White Label Footer Snippet

Figure 2


Where you see, “Theme developed by,” you can change it to say anything you want. You can also link to your website.
One more snippet, but certainly not the last, is to get rid of the Powered by WordPress text when hovering over the login logo. The code below will help:


White Label Powered by WordPress

Figure 3


So as you can see, manually white labeling your website involves changing or adding code. If it is something simple, then you may have no problem altering your .php file. If you are not comfortable with touching the code, there are plugins that can help you.


The Best Plugins for White Labeling Your WordPress Site

Plugins eliminate the need to interfere with the code. Although the most experienced WordPress site designers are comfortable with adding or altering code, there are times when a plugin just makes things easier. It is entirely up to you which route you want to take.

The following are two plugins that can help you white label include:

  1. White Label CMS – Customize the dashboard, insert your own dashboard panels, and customize logos.
  2. White Label Branding – Customize dashboard navigation, hide WordPress Messages, and have more control over the dashboard tools.

These are the two main white labeling plugins. The main challenge with these plugins, particularly for beginners, is figuring out how to configure the plugins. The good news is that there is documentation available with each that will help you. You also have some light instruction throughout each plugin’s control panel to help you understand what each individual function is and what you need to do with it in order to customize the backend of your WordPress website the way you want. Below you will find more in-depth descriptions of each of these plugins:

The White Label CMS Plugin:

White Label CMS allows you to hide your admin panels, add new admin panels, modify menus, and customize logos. This plugin is simple to use for all skill levels and modifies what you want your clients to see when they log into their dashboard. However, it doesn’t go as in-depth as the White Label Branding plugin.

White Label Branding:

White Label Branding has a panel just for branding. You can insert a Favicon if you haven’t already, set the header logo URL, customize the header logo link, customize header logo width, customize the footer, replace that old school “howdy” message with something else, disable WordPress pointers, and much more.

White Label Branding even allows you to customize the email messages that are received by users. Usually, notifications are sent from “[email protected],” but you can change the “from” email to one that removes any and all indications of WordPress.

Lastly, you can customize the navigation, menus, admin bar, and the admin panel login screen. The functionality and customization options don’t stop there, but this gives you an idea of how much flexibility you are provided when white labeling the frontend and backend of your website with this plugin.

Brand Yourself!

So now you know that you don’t have to continue to worry about how the default WordPress identifiers on the front-end or back-end of your WordPress site are going to be perceived by clients or those visiting a website. By manually white labeling or white labeling by plugin, you make your work look more professional so that your clients see you as the expert that you are.

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