How to add Recaptcha in Drupal 8 and 9 : Tutorial for Beginners

How to add recaptcha in Drupal

Are you building a website with a lot of webforms? you might want some kind of security system that prevents spam messages and comments spam. Comments will not only waste your time but it will also consume your scarce, precious resources. Therefore, having a security system on your website to prevent spam is not luxury but necessity. In this tutorial guide for beginners, I am going to explain the step-by-step process of how to add ReCaptcha in Drupal.

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Drupal 10: What’s new?

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With its great features and community support, Drupal is one of the leading platforms to build a website. Drupal is popular for delivering frequent updates with practically advanced features. Drupal released Drupal 9 version in June 2020 and Drupal 10 is already getting hype. Partly because, new functionality for Drupal 10 is coming to the latest Drupal 9 version which means developers are already working on the new APIs for the coming update. Therefore, Drupal experts deprecate old functionalities but keep backwards compatibility that allows them to keep the module developers up-to-date with API changes in order to make the release of Drupal 10 easier. In short, Drupal 10 will be identical to Drupal 9 with removed deprecations. Let’s have a look at what is new with Drupal 10

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How to Add Drupal Webform on Site

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How to Add Drupal Webform

Drupal Webforms, since its inclusion in the set of Drupal modules has proved to be very useful as a solution to add contact forms. This plugin has made the whole process seamless. So, in this article, I will give you an introduction to Drupal Webforms and further discuss its advantages with the steps to install it.

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Top 13 Essential Drupal Modules to start with Drupal 7 & 8

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Drupal modules

Drupal is a popular platform due to its uniqueness and flexibility for creating amazing websites worldwide. And, to extend its functionality thousands of Drupal modules are there. Different Drupal modules will add different functionality to the site. For a new webmaster, it will be really tough to choose among different modules. Unnecessary modules will put a burden on site resources and make it slow. So, it is crucial to find that what are the only Drupal must-have modules.

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Top 6 Drupal Gallery Modules Comparison | Tried and Tested (2023)

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Drupal Gallery Modules

A media gallery acts as a forte for a website to display your business products and services. Not only the media galleries display the quality of your products but also results in a visually – rich and appealing website. Stats reveal that visuals create 65% more user engagement. Showing photos of your products reveals your confidence in your product and delivers the message to the viewers that you have the quality that your company proclaims. The media galleries are the soul of all the shopping websites like Flipkart, Lenskart, Myntra etc.

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The Ultimate Drupal SEO Guide: Tips, Modules, Checklist and more!

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Drupal seo modules tips checklist

Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is a marketing discipline to get traffic from organic, natural or editorial search engine results. It is not just about getting higher rankings on search engines but also the sites that are people friendly. Stats show that 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. Moreover, 75% users never scroll past the first search page. So, a better SEO is must for a website to draw more traffic. SEO depends on many factors like quality of content, site loading time, backlinks, responsive designs etc. When it comes to Drupal, it is considered as the most SEO friendly content management system. It comes with many built-in SEO features. Even, Drupal 8 themes are responsive by default so there is no need to dive-in code.

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6 Best Drupal Theme Frameworks for Designers (2023)

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drupal theme frameworks

There are so many Drupal theme frameworks and opinions out there. How do you decide which is the best Drupal framework for your next project? So for your convenience, this article lists down the most popular Drupal theme frameworks used by front-end developers… and help you pick the best!

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How to Create Drupal Theme from Scratch: A Step by Step Guide for Drupal 7 & 8

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Create Drupal Theme

Drupal is an amazing open source Content Management System as well as a customizable platform to create anything from a personal blog to a corporate website. Drupal offers many native features. It aids you more when you don’t have to code while creating a website theme. Here, TemplateToaster facilitates you not to just create Drupal Theme in minutes but also living an experience without any disruption.

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