How to implement Infinite Scroll in WordPress through plugins. Here we will discuss the best WordPress Infinite Scroll Plugins. Infinite Scroll solve many problems including but not limited to removing the complexity of managing pagination.

When you reach the bottom of a web page, more content is appended automatically; this is known as infinite scrolling. You might have seen such websites in which when you reach the end of one page, it uploads more content automatically without your intervention. For example – Facebook and Google. It gives a better browsing experience to the user hence becoming the latest UI trend.

Now you do not have to worry about clicking on the next button or keep waiting for the pages to load. With infinite scroll plugins, you can bring a seamless browsing experience for the users. But before we delve into the nitty-gritty of these amazing plugins, do check out TemplateToaster a powerful WordPress website builder that will help you design an awesome website in just a few minutes. And of course, you can use the infinite scroll plugin on the designed website to enhance its functionality and user experience.

But now the question arises, are the Infinite Scroll WordPress Plugins good for your site?

What is an Infinite Scroll?

The conventional pagination system works by dividing the content of your websites into pages. So the users can navigate to other pages on the website by clicking on the number or next page links, usually added at the top or bottom of the page. However, Infinite Scroll uses AJAX to load more content on one page bottom when scroll reaches bottom. Earlier only a specific number of items were shown, while the users could scroll down to load more content. Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and others are already using Infinite Scrolling. As you can see these sites continuously load the content. So the more you scroll, the more you can stream.

Why Use WordPress Infinite Scroll?

Infinite Scroll has great benefits. It remarkably increases the viewer’s time on the site as they don’t have the choice to move to other pages and stick to scrolling. So as they spend time on your site, the conversion rates will increase considerably. They can tend to buy your product or leave their email with you. Secondly, most people are equipped with mobiles and tablets today and infinite scrolling is best for these devices. Along with this, you will get a better carefree browsing experience, and better exposure to content.

As compared to traditional scrolling, Infinite Scrolling is more intuitive as users do not have to keep looking for content. So all the content loads dynamically on the same page without any refresh, which makes browsing very efficient.

Besides, infinite scrolls are great for making your website mobile-friendly. As a result, it helps boost user engagement and reduces the bounce rate.

Where to Use Infinite Scroll WordPress Plugins?

Infinite Scroll WordPress works well for your site if all the blogs of your site are of equal importance. Suppose your keep writing new blogs and all your blogs will be shown on same page.

Secondly, if you sell products on your website, infinite products will load on same sho page.

Thirdly, if you have a social networking site like Facebook, then all posts are equal. Some of will be more popular, some will less. But there are no automatic criteria to set the higher importance of one post over the other. Then, in this case, Infinite Scroll WordPress Plugin is good for your site.

How to Implement WordPress Infinite Scroll ?

Infinite scroll can be easily implemented using Infinite Scroll Plugins. You can download and install Infinite Scroll WordPress Plugin painlessly. Here in this article I have listed of best Infinite Scroll WordPress Plugins.

Best WordPress Infinite Scroll Plugins Comparison Chart

WordPress Infinite Scroll PluginsAjax Load MoreLoad More Products for WooCommerceCatch Infinite ScrollJetpackYITH Infinite Scroll
Active Installs50,000+20,000+20,000+5 Million +10,000+
Woocommerce CompatibleYesYesYesYesYes
Mobile CompatibleYesYesYesYesYes
Pagination Sets Per TemplateNot AvailableMultipleNot AvailableNot AvailableNot Available
Load Image StylingYesNoNoNoYes
Shortcode BuilderYesNoNoNoNo

List of best Infinite Scrolling Plugins For WordPress

  1. JetPack
  2. Ajax Load More
  3. Catch Infinite Scroll
  4. Load More Products for WooCommerce
  5. YITH Infinite Scroll


Best WordPress Infinite Scroll Plugins (Review)

JetPack is one of the popular Infinite Scroll WordPress Plugins. It handles many things like keeping any WordPress site secure, increasing traffic, and engaging your readers. JetPack includes traffic and SEO tools, security services, content creation etc. It engages the readers by providing infinite scrolling for posts, e-mail subscriptions, customizable contact forms etc. JetPack is the most installed Infinite Scroll plugin on our list. Along with many features, JetPack enables infinite scrolling for archive pages. And lets you choose between infinite scrolling,  traditional pagination, or Load more button. Besides, it also helps improve your website performance and security.


  • Lazy loading allows to create a fast seamless user experience.
  • AMP integration helps in website optimization.
  • Essential SEO practices for better ranking.
  • Add infinite scrollable galleries and slideshows to improve the overall experience.
  • WooCommerce compatibility, and other plugins like Mailchimp. Contact Form 7, and more.

2. Ajax Load More – best WordPress Infinite Scroll Plugin

Ajax Load More is an optimum WordPress Infinite Scroll Plugin to load posts, pages, comments and more with ajax queries. You can easily generate shortcodes of complex WordPress with its shortcode builder. You can add it by content editor or directly into the template files. It looks as a visible delight as it smoothly loads the another post when you just scroll down. It has many features like


  • Shortcode Builder – It is used to create custom shortcode by adjusting the various WordPress query parameters in a user-friendly manner.
  • Query Parameters – It allows you to query WordPress by much different content types. This will include Post Type, Post Format, Date, Category, Tags, Custom Taxonomies, Search Term, Authors etc.
  • Repeater Templates – You can edit and extend the functionality of plugin by creating your own repeater template. This can be edited to match the look and feel of your website.
  • Multiple Instances – You can include multiple instances on a single page, post or template.
  • Ajax Filtering – The Ajax filtering method will allow you to filter and update results of your Ajax queries.
  • Multisite Compatibility – It manages repeater templates across all sites in your network.
  • Setting Panel – It is used to customize your version of the plugin by updating various settings.

3. Catch Infinite Scroll

Catch Infinite Scroll is also a popular WordPress plugin that you can easily set up. So if you need a plugin to get the job done then Catch Infinite Scroll is the option for you. It provides a simple solution to all the loading problems that website visitors may come across while scrolling the website or changing to the next pages on the site. You can also use the plugin to automatically load the posts by scrolling. The plugin also allows you to add Load more button. Additionally, the plugin also allows you to add custom images, load more text, finish the text, and much more. The plugin is also pre-configured so you do not have to configure it again. The moment you install the plugin, you can start using this plugin.


  • Lightweight plugin which is very easy to use.
  • Compatible with multiple browsers.
  • You can choose between Load more button and infinite scrolling.
  • You can add 1 to 5 ads with links on your website.
  • Different font styles to style the content.

3. Load More Products for WooCommerce

Load More Products for WooCommerce is also the best Infinite Scroll Plugin. It loads WooCommerce items. So, the products on website can load in three ways –  Ajax-powered infinite scrolling, Load more buttons, or Ajax pagination with lazy loading. You can also customize the Load more button text however, you like. And it also allows Lazy Loading of images along with 40 different animation styles.


  • Choose between Load more, Infinite Scrolling, and Pagination.
  • Can add amazing font icons as loading images.
  • Choose different navigations for mobile devices.
  • Add JavaScript hooks for custom code.
  • Lazy loading for pictures and thumbnails with 40+animations.

5. YITH Infinite Scrolling

YITH Infinite Scrolling is a good WordPress Infinite Scroll Plugin that loads the other content as you scroll down the page. It also supports mobile devices. It consists of options to add a Load more button, infinite scrolling, and pagination. You can also add infinite scroll to multiple sections on the same page. In addition, the URL is updated automatically as the user scrolls to the next page. So you can send the users directly to these updated URLs. This plugin is also compatible with WPML, so it is easy to translate to any other language.


  • It offers a number of products, all shown at once.
  • It also provides simple and direct navigation even from a mobile device.
  • It exhibits transition effects too.
  • Able to change number of products or items displayed at a time.
  • Compatible with WooCommerce.


Which WordPress Infinite scroll Plugin You Use?

Well, Infinite Scrolling is unmatchable as it provides great advantages like better exposure for content, a flawless browsing experience, ideal for touch interfaces and visually delightful. As you have a great choice available in case of WordPress Infinite Scroll Plugins, where all work well. But Jetpack and Ajax load more are most popular among all. So, it merely depends upon your choice of right WordPress Infinite Scroll Plugin. The plugins will quickly implement infinite scrolling to your site to give a better user experience. Check out our free WordPress themes.

The purpose of using the WordPress Infinite Scroll Plugins is to get a fantastic website. In this post, we have tried our best to cover the best Infinite Scroll Plugin for WordPress, and have cherry-picked the list based upon active installations, ratings, and features. So you can choose the one that suits your website needs and budget.

Everybody will like to try the things to make it an eye-candy with an awesome viewer response. So try your hands on a commendable WordPress website builder software i.e TemplateToaster. It is tried & tested to give you a great service with all advanced tools for theme generation.