How to Redirect Visitors Based on Country or IP Address in WordPress

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How to Redirect Visitors Based on Country or IP Address in WordPress

Did you ever feel the need for a reliable tool to redirect visitors based on country or IP address in a WordPress website? Because you might have specific offerings for specific countries. A plugin that can help you differentiate your visitors based on country IP will be a great help to you. Isn’t it? Well, the plugin I am going to discuss with you will end your search right here. And you will not have to look any further.

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10 Best PHP Frameworks Compared (2023)

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Best PHP Frameworks

If you are looking for PHP frameworks, you have come to the right place. The information given in this article about the Best PHP Framework is beneficial for beginners as well as professional programmers. We are going to discuss in detail the best PHP frameworks so you can make the right choice for your upcoming project.

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18 Best Wireframe Tools Compared (2024)

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Best Wireframing Tools

Find out the best wireframe tools that make UI/UX designing tasks a breeze. The tools are built to make designing easy and creative for you. So, in this post, we are going to discuss in detail the top wireframes available for you. So that you can make the right choice.

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9 Best WordPress Brute Force Protection Plugins (2023)

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Best WordPress Brute Force Protection Plugins

A brute force attack is the scariest thing for any website owner. Especially when your site is running on WordPress, it becomes a pool of opportunities for wrongdoers. Therefore, it becomes the primary need of a developer to keep the list of best WordPress Brute Force Protection Plugins within reach. The Brute Force Protection Plugin for WordPress is a great help to protect your WordPress website or Lockout bad guys.

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Free Website Builders Compared (2023)

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Best Free Website Builders Compared & Reviewed

If you started a new business and do not have much budget and choosing option to build a website , then affordable website builders what you should be going with. And I will help you to select the best website builder to create a website or make a website.

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How to Create OpenCart Theme: Tutorial for Beginners

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how to create opencart theme tutorial for beginners

Who do you count on when you struggle with the code while creating your OpenCart theme? If you are not sure about your answer then read this post to know the reliable means to create OpenCart Theme. And I am sure by the end of this post you will have a clear vision and a definite choice to fit that last piece of puzzle right

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OpenCart SSL Certificate Error and its Solution

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How to Fix OpenCart SSL Errors

SSL certification provides complete privacy and security against the data infringement. And it will be really annoying that even after having a valid SSL authentication your OpenCart site shows an error. Right? Well, read the blog post to know quick fixes to this issue !!

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Top CSS Menu Makers for websites

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Top 13 CSS Menu Maker Blog

Everyone of us want fancy, mobile friendly, lightweight and gorgeous menu for our website but, it is not an easy task. So, we start searching for CSS menu makers where we can design nice menu quickly and easily without fiddling with code.

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60 Best Color Palette Generators for Web Designing (2023)

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Color palette generators Blog

Choosing the right color scheme is the significant part of design. Colors have a huge impact whether you are designing a logo, creating a website, doing a art work and other design related projects. Without saying a single word, colors communicate a brand’s personality. Knowledge of color scheme is the stepping stone to achieve success in the website designing.

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Essential eCommerce Platforms for Small Business

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The eCommerce industry is an ever-changing medium. It keeps pumping the business owners to try new things to stay ahead of the competition. There is a constant need to create a balance between the latest trends and the industry’s best practices to sustain success. And for that, they should know about the alternatives they have. So, here is an exceptional list of the best eCommerce platforms for small businesses to keep you updated. Let’s dig in!

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13 Best Free HTML Validators in 2023

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13 Best HTML Validators to Validate Your HTML Blog

Have you ever come across a situation when you create a web page and expecting it to work perfectly, and then suddenly while testing an unknown error comes into existence to haunt you? If your answer is yes, then you have come to the right place as we bring to you a trick to smartly escape this situation.

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Error 503 Service Unavailable: The Ultimate Troubleshooting Guide

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error 503 service unavailable fix blog

If you are just a beginner and working on your website, it is quite possible that you run into some errors. It will be a great disappointment as you are new to it. But where there is a problem, there is obviously a solution. This is true for all the major CMSes as supported by an active community to help you out even on exceptional things you encounter. But there are some common errors though encountered rarely like 503 service unavailable error. The main difficulty in handling this error is- finding the reason that returns a 503 error. So, we have made a try to lessen your problem by giving you a detailed view of this very error with possible causes and fixes. Let’s get down to business starting with “What a 503 service unavailable error actually is”!

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How to Minify CSS and Optimize Safely to Boost Website Speed?

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how to minify css

“Minify” term is basically used to describe the method of removing white spaces, line breaks, comments, block delimiters and other unnecessary characters from the source code. It reduces the size of the file and helps to load it faster, in turn, improves the site speed and performance. The concept of minifying is applied to all the files sent to user’s browser including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But here, we will limit our discussion to minifying CSS only.

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